Azizul Haq Rana Odoo 13 Expire Date Configurations To Activate Expire date feature you have to enable *Two* setting on inventory: 1. Lot/Serial Number 2. Expiration Dates You will find those setting under Inventory-->Configurations-->Settings--> Trace... Expire Date Inventory LOT Lifetime Odoo13
Azfar Ahmed Atul ODOO Origin of ODOO (ON DEMAND OPEN OBJECT) was in Belgium. Odoo is a suite of Business Management Software. Fabien pinckaers the founder and current CEO of ODOO started to develop this software in 2005 wh... odoo
Abdur Razzak Sorting Functionalities in Odoo 13 To find a needle in a haystack is a hectic task, the same is in case of finding a file or a document while dealing with a huge client base. As Odoo 13 helps in managing large multinational corporation... Odoo13 Sorting